Bishop's staff of Josef Cardinal Frings

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The bishopric of Josef Cardinal Frings are two goldsmiths by the sculptor Hildegard Domizlaff created in 1946 and 1964 for the Archbishop of Cologne and Cardinal Joseph Frings .

First crook

The crook for Frings, sometimes also referred to as Fringsstab , was only the second bishop's staff made by Hildegard Domizlaff after the one for Paderborn Archbishop Lorenz Jaeger . After Frings' surprising election as Archbishop of Cologne on May 1, 1942, the Neuss parish commissioned St. Quirinus Domizlaff to make the crook that they wanted to present to the Archbishop from Neuss. Due to the war, the order could not be completed until 1946.

The shaft of the crook is made of chased and polished silver. The curva and the pommel are cast from silver and roughened. The curva shows back to back two representations with which symbolic reference is made to the pastoral office of the bishop. To the right, Jesus Christ is shown as the Good Shepherd with the lost lamb over his shoulders. The opposite side shows the singer Orpheus from Greek mythology playing on his lyre . Both figures have their outer knee slightly angled, so that the whole representation fits into the bends in an exciting but also harmonious way. Orpheus was often depicted as a shepherd in ancient art and interpreted as a prefiguration of Christ in early Christianity . Just as Orpheus enchanted animals, so Christ enchanted sinners in the Christian understanding, and Orpheus' futile descent into the underworld to save Eurydice is contrasted with Christ's descent into the underworld and his salvation of the righteous.

The cylindrical pommel of the staff is also cast from silver and shows high reliefs of three saints, whose heads appear to be tilted forward because of the large nimben : first Mary, the mother of Jesus , without any other attributes. Josef von Nazaret as Frings' patron saint with a model of the Quirinus Minster, and finally Quirinus von Neuss , the patron saint of the Neuss Quirinus Minster, as a Roman soldier with a standard. In clothing and other arrangements, the figures resemble medieval representations of saints.

Hubert Luthe was Archbishop's Chaplain and secret secretary to Cardinal Frings from 1955 to 1968. He accompanied him together with Joseph Ratzinger to all sessions of the Second Vatican Council . As Luthe on 14 December 1969, auxiliary bishop in the archdiocese of Cologne dedicated was he received from Frings whose first crook to the present.

Bishop Luthe died in February 2014. He bequeathed his crook to the Archdiocese of Cologne in his will. In April 2014 it was handed over to his Cologne counterpart Norbert Feldhoff by the Essen Cathedral Provost Thomas Zander . It is exhibited in the Cologne Cathedral Treasury in a showcase with Frings' pectoral cross, also created by Domizlaff .

The crosier was symbolically presented to the new Cologne Archbishop Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki on September 20, 2014 as part of a pontifical office for the inauguration of his predecessor Joachim Cardinal Meisner . This was intended to express the solidarity of the two only Cologne priests appointed archbishop of their hometown. For this ceremony, an employee of the goldsmith's workshop in the cathedral building made a silver metal tube with which the crook can be extended.

Age crook

Because of the heavy weight of his crook, Cardinal Frings had a lighter crook made in 1964, again by Hildegard Domizlaff. This crook is also made of chased silver, but has a smaller diameter. The bend is open at the bottom and without a pictorial representation, only with an ivory end , which is decorated with carved bay leaves.

In place of the solid pommel made of cast silver, the senior staff has an ivory cylinder decorated with carved reliefs. The reliefs show Abraham , Job and John as personifications of the theological virtues faith (fides) , hope (spes) and love (caritas) next to Christ on the cross .

The second crook has been in the Cologne Cathedral Treasury since the death of Cardinal Frings in 1978.


  • Ingrid Leonie Severin: The bishop's staffs of the sculptor Hildegard Domizlaff . In: Kölner Domblatt 1988, 53rd episode, pp. 153–170, ISBN 978-3-922442-83-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Kathrin Becker: Frings' bishop's staff returned. Bishop Luthe ordered the return in his will . In: Church newspaper for the Archdiocese of Cologne 2014, No. 15, p. 7.
  2. ^ A b c d e Matthias Deml: Crosier of Josef Cardinal Frings returned to Cologne . In: Kölner Domblatt 2014, 79th episode, pp. 327–328, ISBN 978-3-922442-85-1 . Almost complete excerpt: Josef Cardinal Frings' bishop's staff returned to Cologne , on April 11, 2014, accessed on October 1, 2018 (with several images of the first crook).
  3. a b Ingrid Leonie Severin: The Bishop's Staffs of the sculptor Hildegard Domizlaff , p. 156.
  4. ^ Archdiocese of Cologne (ed.): Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki. New Archbishop of Cologne . Special edition of the church newspaper for the Archdiocese of Cologne. JP Bachem Verlag, Cologne 2014, p. 17, online PDFhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/ 3DOnline% 20PDF ~ PUR% 3D , accessed on October 1, 2018.
  5. Fringsstab for the inauguration | Guter Hirte , website of the Archdiocese of Cologne, accessed October 1, 2018.
  6. Peter Füssenich : 55th cathedral report. From October 2013 to September 2014 . In: Kölner Domblatt 2014, 79th episode, pp. 8–73, here p. 46, ISBN 978-3-922442-85-1 , online PDFhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/ SZ% 3D ~ double-sided% 3D ~ LT% 3DOnline% 20PDF ~ PUR% 3D , 1.1 MB, accessed on October 1, 2018.
  7. a b Ingrid Leonie Severin: The Bishop's Staffs of the sculptor Hildegard Domizlaff , p. 164.