Calendario do som

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Calendário do som ( German calendar of sound ) is a collection of 365 compositions by the Brazilian musician Hermeto Pascoal , which were created over a period of one year. They represent a kind of musical diary .


Pascoal started his project on June 24, 1996 and wrote a composition every day of the year through June 23, 1997. The pieces were handwritten with a melody part and the associated chord symbols . The titles of the pieces correspond to the respective days on which they were written, for example 24 de Junho 1996 . The place of origin is also listed on each sheet of music. In some compositions there are also short comments about friends, musicians or the football club Fluminense Rio de Janeiro, which he admires . Stylistically, the pieces can be classified as part of the Música Popular Brasileira , but with a very strongly jazz-oriented harmony . Each composition ends with Hermeto Pascoal's signature and the sentence Tudo de bom semper .


The handwritten scores of Pascoal were faithfully digitized by Becca Lopes without graphic changes and published in 2000 by the publisher Editora Senac in São Paulo .


Individual pieces in the collection were added to their repertoire by various Brazilian musicians and some of the compositions were recorded on two CDs by the Brazilian bassist Itiberê Zwarg and his group.

Discographic notes

  • Tudo de Bom: Tudo de Bom, Music from Hermeto Pascoals Calendario do Som , 2003
  • Itiberê Orquestra Família: Calendário do Som , 2005 (double CD)
  • Fabiano Araújo, Arild Andersen , Alexandre Frazão, Guto Lucena & Hermeto Pascoal: Calendário do Som - 9 dias , 2009


Web links