Calwer publishing house

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The Calwer Verlag is a German publishing house based in Stuttgart. The publisher's program includes both school books and theological specialist literature .


The publishing house was founded in Calw in 1832 as the Calwer publishing association by Christian Gottlob Barth , who was the publisher's director until his death. In 1836 the Calwer publishing house was also founded. After Barth's death in 1862, Hermann Gundert became director of the publishing house. Gundert's successor after his death in 1893 was his son-in-law, the theologian Johannes Hesse , the father of the writer Hermann Hesse . In 1920 the publishing house moved to Stuttgart. With the establishment of the Calwer Verlag Foundation in 2000, the Calwer Verlag continues its work as Calwer Verlag Bücher und Medien GmbH . The range is characterized in particular by school books as an important part of the publishing program.

See also

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