Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid

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The Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid ( caBIG , German for 'biomedical cancer information network') was an information network with free source code and free access for secure data exchange in the field of cancer research. The initiative was overseen by the National Cancer Institute (NCI, part of the National Institutes of Health ) and the Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT). A report was published in 2011 that expressed significant criticism of the effectiveness and clarity. As a result, the budget and scope were cut. In May 2012, the National Cancer Informatics Program (NCIP) was developed as a successor program.


The United States National Cancer Institute funded the Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) initiative in Spring 2004. The project was led by Kenneth Buetow. The aim was to network scientists in the field of US biomedical cancer research using grid computing. The program, led by the Center for Bioinformatics and Information Technology, began with a three-year pilot phase. It was completed in March 2007 and a test phase was announced.

In addition to caGrid, the basic infrastructure for data distribution between organizations, caBIG Software has developed tools, data distribution guidelines and common standards and language regulations to simplify data exchange.

The software tools aimed to:

  • Collection, analysis and management of basic research data
  • Manage clinical trials, from patient registration to analysis
  • Collection, classification, sharing and storage of medical imagery
  • Manage biosamples

Health information technologies

Health Information Technology (HIT) was designed for the management and secure exchange of medical data between scientists, healthcare providers and consumers. HIT initiatives that caBIG mentioned were: NCI and the American Society of Clinical Oncology have decided to work together to establish a specific electronic health data system for oncology, following the standards of caBIG, which is intended to enable oncologists to use electronic patient data to record the specific Consider specifics of oncology, manage. The Nationwide Health Information Network was an initiative to exchange clinical patient data between geographically distant locations and to create a nationwide electronic information network with linked health data.


The "BIG Health Consortium" was formed in 2008 to promote personalized medicine, but was dissolved again in 2012. In July 2009 caBIG started a collaboration with Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation announced to form an online group for cohort studies of women in clinical trials. The goal of the so-called "Army of Women" was a database of one million people; the site was launched in December 2009 and by 2010 30,000 women and men had registered.

The “ Cancer Genome Atlas ” aimed to characterize more than 10,000 tumors of at least 20 types of cancer by 2015. caBIG enabled and provided the connectivity, data standards and software tools for collecting, organizing, sharing and analyzing the various research data in the database. Since 2007 NCI has been working with the UK National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI). These two organizations shared technologies for collaborative research and secure exchange of research data using caGrid and the NCRI Oncology Information Exchange Web Portal (ONIX) announced in August 2009. ONIX was shut down in March 2012. The Duke Cancer Institute used caBIG tools for clinical trial tools in cooperation with the Beijing Cancer Hospital of Beijing University.

further reading

  • AP Abernethy, SY Zafar, R. Coeytaux, K. Rowe, JL Wheeler, HK Lyerly: Electronic patient-reported data capture as the foundation of a learning health care system . In: Journal of clinical orthodontics . tape 27 , 15S, May 20, 2009, pp. 6522 ( ).
  • K. Buetow: caBIG: Proof of concept platform for personalized cancer care . In: Journal of clinical orthodontics . tape 27 , 15S, May 20, 2009, pp. e20712 ( ).
  • Matthew E. Holford, Haseena Rajeevan, Hongyu Zhao, Kenneth K. Kidd, Kei-Hoi Cheung: Semantic Web-based integration of cancer pathways and allele frequency data . In: Cancer Informatics . tape 8 , January 1, 2009, ISSN  1176-9351 , p. 19-30 , PMID 19458791 , PMC 2664696 (free full text).
  • Taoying Huang, Pareen J. Shenoy, Rajni Sinha, Michael Graiser, Kevin W. Bumpers, Christopher R. Flowers: Development of the Lymphoma Enterprise Architecture Database: A caBIG (tm) Silver level compliant System . In: Cancer Informatics . tape 8 , April 3, 2009, ISSN  1176-9351 , p. 45-64 , PMC 2675136 (free full text).
  • Isaac Kunz, Ming-Chin Lin, Lewis Frey: Metadata mapping and reuse in caBIG . In: BMC Bioinformatics . tape 10 , Suppl 2, February 5, 2009, ISSN  1471-2105 , p. S4 , doi : 10.1186 / 1471-2105-10-S2-S4 , PMID 19208192 , PMC 2646244 (free full text).
  • C. Ohmann, W. Kuchinke: Future developments of medical informatics from the viewpoint of networked clinical research. Interoperability and integration . In: Methods of Information in Medicine . tape 48 , no. 1 , January 1, 2009, ISSN  0026-1270 , p. 45-54 , PMID 19151883 .
  • John H. Phan, Richard A. Moffitt, Todd H. Stokes, Jian Liu, Andrew N. Young, Shuming Nie, May D. Wang: Convergence of biomarkers, bioinformatics and nanotechnology for individualized cancer treatment . In: Trends in Biotechnology . tape 27 , no. 6 , June 1, 2009, ISSN  0167-7799 , p. 350-358 , doi : 10.1016 / j.tibtech.2009.02.010 , PMID 19409634 .
  • Catherine J Staes, Wu Xu, Samuel D LeFevre, Ronald C Price, Scott P Narus, Adi Gundlapalli, Robert Rolfs, Barry Nangle, Matthew Samore, Julio C Facelli: A case for using grid architecture for state public health informatics: the Utah perspective . In: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making . tape 9 , June 22, 2009, ISSN  1472-6947 , p. 32 , doi : 10.1186 / 1472-6947-9-32 , PMID 19545428 , PMC 2707374 (free full text).
  • Peter A. Covitz, Frank Hartel, Carl Schaefer, Sherri De Coronado, Gilberto Fragoso, Himanso Sahni, Scott Gustafson, Kenneth H. Buetow: caCORE: A common infrastructure for cancer informatics . In: Bioinformatics . tape 19 , no. 18 , December 12, 2003, ISSN  1367-4803 , p. 2404-2412 , doi : 10.1093 / bioinformatics / btg335 ( ).

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