National Cancer Institute

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National Cancer Institute logo

The National Cancer Institute ( NCI ; German: Nationales Krebsinstitut ) is a cancer research center and one of the institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH, in turn, is part of the US Department of Health Care and Human Services and is the most important authority for biomedical research in the US. The acting director is Douglas R. Lowy .


The NCI coordinates the National Cancer Program , which carries out or promotes research projects in the field of cancer. For this, the NCI has extensive research laboratories at the Bethesda (Maryland) and NCI-Frederick locations in Fort Detrick, in Frederick (Maryland) . In addition, numerous research projects at various scientific government and private institutions in the United States are funded through so-called NCI grants . The NCI supports training programs for cancer researchers and clinically active oncologists. The NCI collects information about cancer and has an essential role in informing the public about cancer.


The institute was established as a cancer research center by the National Cancer Institute Act on August 5, 1937 . The Public Health Service Act of July 1, 1944 , made the NCI part of the NIH. Another change in law, the National Cancer Act of 1971, expanded the powers of the NCI.

Drug development

A key area of ​​activity of the NCI was the promotion of research into the development of new drugs against cancer. According to an internal analysis published in 1996, the development of two-thirds of all cancer drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) had received significant support from the NCI.

Web links

Commons : Media from National Cancer Institute Visuals Online  - Collection of pictures, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. About NCI> Leadership. National Cancer Institute, accessed February 8, 2017 .
  2. ^ NCI Mission Statement. National Cancer Institute, accessed May 15, 2011 .
  3. NCI and the history of the NIH (English)
  4. ^ National Cancer Act of 1971. National Cancer Institute, accessed May 15, 2011 .