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Candelabrum cocksii

Candelabrum cocksii

Trunk : Cnidarians (Cnidaria)
Class : Hydrozoa (Hydrozoa)
Subclass : Hydroidolina
Order : Anthoathecata
Subordination : Capitata
Family : Candelabridae
Scientific name
Stechow , 1921

The Candelabridae are a family of hydrozoa (Hydrozoa) from the tribe of the cnidarians (Cnidaria) that live exclusively in the sea . It is a small family of currently 18 species in three genera .


The representatives of this family do not develop a free medusa stage , only polyps . The hydroid polyps are solitary or form pseudocolonies. The hydrocaulus (stem) is relatively short with tubular or root-shaped appendages. A perisarc can be present or absent. The hydrants are large and elongated. They are covered in the upper part of the body with irregularly distributed capitate tentacles. The fixed gonophores develop below the region of the body, which are covered with tentacles. They develop directly on the hydrant or on spindle-shaped blastostyles . The gonophores are tight sacs of spores.

Geographical occurrence

The representatives of the family occur in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, in the waters around Antarctica and off South Africa.


Currently 19 species in three genera are assigned to the family



  • Jean Bouillon, Cinzia Gravili, Francesc Pagès, Josep-Maria Gili, Fernando Boero: An introduction to Hydrozoa . Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. tape 194 , no. 1- . Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Paris 2006, ISBN 978-2-85653-580-6 .
  • Marymegan Daly, Mercer R. Brugler, Paulyn Cartwright, Allen G. Collin, Michael N. Dawson, Daphne G. Fautin, Scott C. France, Catherine S. McFadden, Dennis M. Opresko, Estefania Rodriguez, Sandra L. Romano, Joel L. Stake: The phylum Cnidaria . A review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus. tape 1668 . Zootaxa, 2007, ISSN  1175-5326 , p. 127-182 ( abstract - PDF ).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ World Hydrozoa Database
  2. Anita Brinckmann-Voss and Alberto Lindner: Monocoryne colonialis sp. nov., a colonial candelabrid hydroid (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Candelabridae) from the North Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88: 1631-1635, Cambridge 2008 doi : 10.1017 / S002531540800180X

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