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Television series
Original title Capadocia
Country of production Mexico
original language Spanish
year 2008
Home Box Office
length 60 minutes
Episodes 39 in 3 seasons ( list )
genre Dramedy
production Epigmenio Ibarra
First broadcast March 2, 2008 on HBO

Capadocia ( Spanish for Cappadocia ) is a Mexican television series produced by HBO Latin America . The script is by Laura Sosa , Leticia López Margalli , Guillermo Ríos and Carmen Madrid . The first broadcast began on April 2, 2008. The second season ran in 2010.

The series has not yet been shown in Germany; the first episode ran in Hungary on March 17, 2011.


The lives of several women in an experimental prison in Mexico City are portrayed .

Without exception, the individual episodes have Christian-Biblical titles.

Episode list

season 1

Original title First broadcast
1 1 Genesis March 2, 2008 1. Book of Moses
2 2 Éxodo March 9, 2008 2. Book of Moses
3 3 El sacrificio March 16, 2008 The victim
4th 4th Mater Dolorosa March 23, 2008
5 5 Hijo pródigo March 30, 2008 The lost Son
6th 6th El ángel caído April 6, 2008 The fallen angel
7th 7th Pecado capital April 13, 2008 mortal sin
8th 8th Justos por pecadores April 20, 2008 The innocent come to kiss the hand
9 9 El buen samaritano April 27, 2008 The good samaritan
10 10 Maria Magdalena May 4, 2008 Mary Magdalene
11 11 La elegida May 11, 2008 the chosen one
12 12 Perdona nuestras ofensas May 18, 2008 Forgive us our debts
13 13 Paraíso perdido May 25, 2008 Paradise lost

season 2

Original title First broadcast
14th 1 Lo que une Dios September 19, 2010 What God brings together
15th 2 Cordero de Dios September 26, 2010 Lamb Of God
16 3 Aparta de mí este cáliz October 3, 2010 Take this cup from me
17th 4th El ojo de Dios October 10, 2010 The eye of god
18th 5 Amad a vuestros enemigos 17th October 2010 Love your enemies
19th 6th Bienaventurados los inocentes October 24, 2010 Happy are the innocent
20th 7th Señor, ¿por qué me has abandonado? October 31, 2010 Lord why did you leave me
21st 8th Expiación November 7, 2010 atonement
22nd 9 La mujer de Lot November 10, 2010 Lot's wife
23 10 La sal de la tierra November 21, 2010 The salt of the earth
24 11 Y resucitó al tercer día November 28, 2010 And rose on the third day
25th 12 La tercera parte del mar se convirtió en sangre 5th December 2010 Then a third of the sea turned to blood
26th 13 Y llorarán su muerte todas las naciones December 12, 2010 And all nations will lament his death

season 3

Original title First broadcast
27 1 Un Gran Lamento 23rd September 2012
28 2 El fruto de tu vientre September 30, 2012
29 3 Aceite de la Unción October 7, 2012
30th 4th Los Escogidos October 14, 2012
31 5 Destruye, (Lo que te duele mátalo) October 21, 2012
32 6th Las vertientes de la salvación October 28, 2012
33 7th El Justo 4th November 2012
34 8th El angel del abismo November 11, 2012
35 9 Ovejas y Lobos November 18, 2012
36 10 La sombra de tus alas November 25, 2012
37 11 La Paz y la Espada December 2, 2012
38 12 Sangre de inocentes December 9, 2012
39 13 Apocalipsis December 16, 2012

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