Capella Ludgeriana

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Capella Ludgeriana
Seat: Münster / Germany
Carrier: St. Paul Cathedral in Munster
Founding: 2009
Genus: mixed boys' choir
Head : Cathedral Kapellmeister Alexander Lauer
Voices : 112 boys in SATB
Website :

The Capella Ludgeriana is the boys' choir of the St. Paulus Cathedral in Münster, made up of boys and young men . The director of the boys' choir is Cathedral Kapellmeister Alexander Lauer. The Capella Ludgeriana, named after the first bishop of Münster , was founded in 2009. It revives the long tradition of church music at St. Paulus Cathedral. The repertoire includes mass settings, motets and chants from all epochs. The Capella Ludgeriana is a member of Pueri Cantores , the international association of Catholic boys, girls, children and youth choirs. With the other choirs of the cathedral music, she designs the pontifical and chapter liturgies at the cathedral. The boys' choir also organizes many other concerts outside of the liturgies and the cathedral.


The singers of the Capella Ludgeriana rehearse two to three times a week in the cathedral singing school, the training facility for the choirs at the cathedral. They also receive voice training.

The youngest singers are in the prechoir for a year, where basic musical knowledge is taught. Then they switch to the main choir.


The Capella Ludgeriana was founded by Andreas Bollendorf on Ascension Day 2009 by merging the Knabenkantorei am Dom with the Schola Ludgeriana, a Gregorian rickschola, in which former singers of the Knabenkantorei sang. There were also boys' choirs at the cathedral in front of the Capella Ludgeriana. The historical documentation of cathedral music in Münster is very sketchy, however, because large parts of the cathedral library were destroyed by a fire in 1527.


  • 2009–2015 Domkapellmeister Andreas Bollendorf
  • since 2015 Domkapellmeister Alexander Lauer

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Capella Ludgeriana - St. Paul's Cathedral. Retrieved December 28, 2017 (German).
  2. | Pueri Cantores - Association of Catholic boys, girls, children and youth choirs. Retrieved December 28, 2017 .
  3. ^ Choirs of Cathedral Music - Paulusdom. Retrieved December 28, 2017 (German).
  4. 2017 - St. Paul's Cathedral. Retrieved December 28, 2017 (German).
  5. Cathedral Singing School - Paulusdom. Retrieved December 28, 2017 (German).
  6. History - incomplete sources - St. Paul's Cathedral. Retrieved December 28, 2017 (German).