Capitol Steps

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Performance of the Capitol Steps at the CUA (2008)

The Capitol Steps are a group of entertainers from the United States who satirically engage with American politics. The group name is a reference to former Congressman John Jenrette , who took a break from the session to have sex with his wife on the steps of the Capitol at a nightly session of Congress , causing a scandal.


Founded in 1981 by three members of the Republican parliamentary group in the Senate , in the early years the group consisted exclusively of employees from parliamentary operations in Washington, DC After sporadic appearances at Christmas parties and other special occasions had turned into an increasingly successful monthly show, the members of the group quit 1987 their previous professions and dedicated themselves full-time to entertainment.

The Capitol Steps soon enjoyed a high profile in the USA and, at the express request of US President Ronald Reagan, were allowed to give a performance in the White House in front of Reagan, his wife Nancy and several hundred congressmen as early as 1988 .

The group now has 26 members, the majority of whom are professional actors. In 2011 the Capitol Steps released their 34th album.


The Capitol Steps mainly parody the political life in Washington, DC by humorously depicting current events and especially the current scandals of US politics to the tune of well-known songs from the last decades.

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