Capoeira Angola

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Capoeira Angola is one of the two main forms of Capoeira , a Brazilian martial art .

In contrast to Regional, it is considered the original version of Capoeira and is now mainly practiced in the region around Bahia . It is also increasingly spreading in Europe . The most obvious differentiator to Capoeira de Regional is the fact that players in the roda often make seemingly uncoordinated and very slow movements that give the impression of indolence. The teammates only notice that this is just a show, however, when an attack is made at lightning speed from such a movement sequence, preferably with a kick swung around the body axis. Attacks are not carried out into space beyond the reach of the enemy.

What is important in Capoeira Angola is the perception of the other person. A nice game is expressed in the flowing exchange of blows and evasive movements. A slow, concentrated game (it is not called a fight) is often more difficult because a lot of emphasis is placed on harmonious interplay. But a very fast and playful acrobatic game is also possible. Every game is different: just as every capoeirista has his own style and character, so in every new constellation of players there is a new encounter and a different game. Jokes and humor loosen up the whole thing.

" Malandragem ", which can be translated in the sense of rascality, is a certain basic attitude of the "Angoleiros". It can be understood as a certain shrewdness and serenity in a lovable way.

"Outbreaks of violence" are short in Capoeira Angola. Most of the time attacks are only carried out in such a way that no serious injuries can occur - kicks are e.g. B. likes to be directed against the upper arms.

A difference to Capoeira Regional is the often much more colorful appearance, wearing flat shoes and not playing with a bare upper body - being Angoleiro also means attaching importance to style. It is not uncommon for Rodas to be played in a suit in Bahia.

In general, the following applies: Angoleiros increasingly use Fintas (deceptions), Malicia (actually malice, in the sense of Capoeira rather shrewdness) than their colleagues from Capoeira Contemporânea and Capoeira Regional .

See also

further information in the documentary DVD "Angoleiros na Bahia - when dance touches the soul"