Capoeira Contemporânea

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Capoeira Contemporânea is the contemporary term for modern Capoeira . It is based on the Capoeira Regional , but is less strict in the practice of the rules of Mestre Bimbas .

The first beginnings go back to the 1970s and 80s, when Capoeira Regional was already widely used in Brazil . Mestre Bimba sometimes creates precise rules for his Capoeira. It was like that B. forbidden to use musical instruments from the Candomblé in the Roda ( Reco-reco , Agogô ). Many Mestre saw this as too much of a limitation and wanted to do their Capoeira more freely. This led to the emergence of Capoeira Contemporânea.

Capoeira Contemporânea got closer to Capoeira Angola . There was less emphasis on combat and more on Malicia. The occupation of the Bateria was made more flexible, even if Reco-reco and Agogô are still unusual today.

Capoeira Contemporânea can also be described as the freest Capoeira. There are no rules about the pace of play and the use of kicks as long as they are compatible.