Caracalla Arch (Volubilis)

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The Arch of Caracalla in Volubilis

The Caracalla Arch in Volubilis is a single-gate arch of honor that was erected in honor of Emperor Caracalla around AD 216/217.


The building was erected by the citizens of the city of Volubilis in honor of Emperor Caracalla and his mother Julia Domna . The reason for the establishment was possibly the Constitutio Antoniniana , which came into force in 212 , but this is uncertain.


The following dedication inscription was affixed in duplicate to the arch of honor :

[Im] p (eratori) Ca [e] s (ari) M (arco) Aurel {l} io Antonino P [i] o Felici Aug (usto) Pa [rth (ico) max (imo) Brit {t} ( annico) max (imo) Ge] rm (anico) max (imo)
[po] nt [ifi] ci max (imo) trib (unicia) pot (estate) XX imp (eratori) IIII co (n) s (uli) IIII p (atri) p (atriae) pro [co (n) s (uli) et Iuliae Aug (ustae) Piae Fel] ici matri
[Aug (usti) et c] astrorum et senatus et patriae res p (ublica) Vo [ lubilitanorum ob singular] em eius
[erga uni] versos et novam su [pr] ao [mn] es r [et] ro [principes indulgentiam a] rcum
[cum sei] ugibus et orname [nt] is o [mnibus inc] oha [nt] e [et de] dica [nte M (arco) Aurel] {l} io
[Sebaste] no proc (uratore) Aug (usti) devo [tissi] m [o Numini eiu] sa solo [faci] endum [ curavit]

The inscription can be dated to the period between December 10, 216 and April 8, 217. The six lines of text take up an area of ​​7.40 m by 1.60 m.

See also

  • Caracalla arch for further triumphal and honorary arches of Caracalla


  • Claude Domergue: L'Arc de triomphe de Caracalla à Volubilis. In: Annuaires de l'École pratique des hautes études, 1963, pp. 283-293 ( online ).

Web links

Commons : Arch of Caracalla in Volubilis  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. CIL 8, 9993 .

Coordinates: 34 ° 4 '26.4 "  N , 5 ° 33' 19.4"  W.