Cargo Aircraft Only

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Cargo Aircraft Only label

Cargo Aircraft Only (CAO) means that a piece of cargo is only allowed for cargo aircraft and not for passenger aircraft . These orange rectangular stickers with a minimum size of 120 × 110 mm warn airline loading personnel against loading dangerous cargo onto passenger aircraft as this could pose a risk to the safety of the aircraft and its passengers.

The Packing Instruction (dt. Packing Instruction ) are the conditions for the packaging of, and the permitted for the transport quantities per package. If the transport is prohibited, it says: F = FORBIDDEN (German forbidden ) in the list of dangerous goods.

Freight items that meet the requirements of the PAX Hazardous Goods Ordinance , i.e. are suitable for passenger aircraft, may always be transported in cargo aircraft.

Example: IATA packaging regulation 618 (CAO) = z. B. bromochloromethane

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cargo Aircraft Only Label (CAO Label - IATA). Retrieved January 24, 2020 .
  2. Annex 1: Draft Packing Instructions. ICAO, accessed January 24, 2020 .