Carl Gottlieb Munde

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Carl Gottlieb Munde (born March 29, 1805 in Freiberg ; † February 8, 1887 in Gorizia ) was a German language teacher and hydropath.

Works (excerpt)

  • The Graefenberger Wasserheilanstalt and the Prießnitzische Curmethode: in addition to an instruction, the most common diseases, such as: gout, rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis, hemorrhoids, fever, inflammation, influenza and a lot of other chronic and acute evils, by using cold water Sweating, to be cured thoroughly according to the Graefenberger curm method; a manual for those who are inclined to go to Graefenberg or any other cold-water sanatorium or who are inclined to use the cure to the full, as well as for all sick people who are found and for findings that want to remain , 1845, e.g. MED digital .
  • English edition or key to Dr. Carl Munde's "Briefe zum ubersetzen in das Englische" or Familiar letters, etd., On America for the use of emigrants , Leipzig 1855, Hathi Trust .
  • The gazebo in 1867.
  • Room air: ventilation and heating; a contribution to the cheap improvement of the spoiled air which we breathe in our homes during the cold season and which is one of the main causes of the multiplication and worsening of diseases , 1876, ZB MED digital .
  • Our skin and its relationship to cold water cures: a guide to maintaining and restoring health without the pharmacy , 2nd edition, Leipzig: Arnoldi, 1885, Leipzig University Library digital .


  • Averbeck H., 2015: From Freiberg to Northampton: The Path of Naturopath Dr. Carl Munde to the USA .
  • Jürgen Fege, 2009: Dr. Carl Gottlieb Munde: The water healer Dr. phil. Dr. med. hc. Carl Gottlieb Munde (March 29, 1805 - February 8, 1887) .

Individual evidence

  1. Extended separate reprint from: Munde, Carl: Hydrotherapie or Wasserheillehre. - 12th ed.
  2. Switzerland Z Ganzheitsmed 2015; 27: 296-306.
  3. Ärzteblatt Sachsen 12/2009 , p. 644 .