Carl Knauf

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Carl Knauf, Dorfstrasse in Nidden, around 1935
The Carl-Knauf-Haus in Nidden on the Curonian Spit.

Carl Knauf (* 1893 in Godesberg ; † April 1, 1944 in Nidden ) was a German late impressionist landscape painter .


Carl Knauf was born in Godesberg am Rhein in 1893, studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, in 1921 he exhibited in Königsberg as part of the annual exhibition of the Kunstverein and was represented there again in 1943. In 1928 Carl Knauf exhibited in the "art shop window" in Memel and in 1932 a large solo exhibition took place in the city. He lived and worked in Nidden from 1931 until his death in 1944 in his own summer house on the “ Mother-in-Law” , which was designed by the Memel architect Herbert Reissmann and which served as a forester's house during the Soviet era. Before that he lived in Königsberg, at Tragheimer Gartenstrasse 1a on the third floor. When he died in Nidden in 1944, he was buried next to the grave of Hermann Blode (1862–1934), the patron of the artists in the colony.

An artists' colony had come together in Nidden. a. Max Pechstein , Schmidt-Rottluff and Lovis Corinth counted. In contrast to Ernst Mollenhauer , who lived permanently in Nidden from 1924 to January 1945 and helped shape the development of the artists ' colony in many ways , Knauf later remained little known. His pictures are sporadically offered in the art trade at previously rather moderate estimated prices. Knauf was with Friedel Knauf, b. Riefenstahl from Danzig, married. She died on December 23, 1953 in Erlangen. Their marriage was childless.

There are still no sources or research about this painter, who between around 1920 and 1944 probably painted more pictures of Nida and the region around the Curonian Lagoon than hardly anyone else.


Occasional works by Knauf show motifs from the Curonian Spit and Memelland as well as motifs from the Rhineland, the Alpine region, Italy and North Africa. The painter's works can be found in the East Prussian State Museum in Lüneburg and in various private collections.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Painter of the artist colony
  2. ^ Ernst Mollenhauer: Ernst Mollenhauer, 1892–1963: an Expressionist from East Prussia: paintings from the estate . Ed .: Maja Ehlermann-Molenhauer. Ed. Braus, Heidelberg 1992, ISBN 3-89466-001-5 , p. 23 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. Nidden and the Curonian Spit, exhibition catalog 2011 .
  4. Zezschwitz auction ( Memento of the original from February 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /