Carl Leopold von Beust

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Carl Leopold Reichsgraf von Beust (* December 2, 1740 ; † November 4, 1827 in Altenburg ) was a German politician and administrative officer from the Beust family .


Von Beust was the son of the imperial count (the elevation to the imperial count was on January 4, 1775) Karl Leopold von Beust (* April 10, 1701, † July 19, 1778) and his second wife Karoline Dorothea Elisabeth von Rex. His older brother Gottlieb von Beust became a real privy councilor and consistorial president in Altenburg. Leopold von Beust married Freiin Christiane Auguste Amalie von Beust on December 18, 1871 († October 10, 1782). He died without male offspring.


Von Beust became a royal Polish and Electoral Saxon real privy councilor and chamberlain and general manager. In 1806 he entered the service of the state of the prince primate and was minister for finance, domains and trade there and in the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt until 1811. In 1811 he was succeeded by Karl Christian Ernst von Bentzel-Sternau as Minister of State. After the end of the French era he became landscape director in Altenburg .


  • Eduard Maria Oettinger: Moniteur des dates: Biographical-genealogical-historical world register containing the personal files of mankind, 1869, p. 88, digitized .
  • Leopold Zedlitz-Neukirch: New Prussian Adels-Lexicon: or genealogical and diplomatic news from the princely, countless, baronial and noble houses residing in or related to the Prussian monarchy, Volume 1, 1836, p. 227, digitized .