Carl Weber (director)

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Carl Weber (born August 7, 1925 in Dortmund , † December 25, 2016 in Los Altos , California) was a German theater director and scholar.

He taught drama at Stanford University .


  • Thomson, Peter and Glendyr Sacks, eds. 1994. The Cambridge Companion to Brecht. Cambridge Companion to Literature Ser. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-42485-2 . p.xv-xvi.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl Weber - International Heiner-Müller Society
  2. Cynthia Haven: Carl Weber, Stanford professor emeritus of drama and a protégé of director Bertolt Brecht, this at 91st Stanford University , January 11, 2017, accessed on February 16, 2017 (English).
  3. Interview with Carl Weber
  4. ^ Carl Weber - Theater of Time