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Castorius was a late antique Roman jurist whose lifetime is dated to the 5th century.

Castorius is known for his tombstone, which was found in the vicinity of Rome in the St. Christina cemetery in Bolsena . This certifies that he was wise ( sapiens ) and an educated youth with legal scholar status ( doctus puer studiis et iure peritus ). He died at a young age.


  • Detlef Liebs : Jurisprudence in late antique Italy (260-640 AD) (= Freiburg legal-historical treatises. New series, volume 8). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1987, p. 69.

Individual evidence

  1. CIL 11, 2839 = Franz Bücheler : Carmina Latina epigraphica 743 = ILCV 3433.