Center for Advanced Water Research

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The Center for Advanced Water Research (CAWR) is a joint facility of the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research and the Technical University of Dresden . Around 500 scientific employees deal with the development and creation of new technologies and concepts for sustainable water management.


The aim of the CAWR is to take a holistic view of water and its interactions in the complex environmental system. The work ranges from basic to application-oriented research and covers the areas of natural and engineering sciences, social and economic sciences. The CAWR scientists concentrate on the following key topics:

  • Analysis of the interdependencies in natural and anthropogenically influenced hydrosystems, especially regulation mechanisms and the influence of human activities
  • Development of status objectives and management strategies for the sustainable handling of anthropogenically influenced hydro systems, and certain risks and indicators for critical development trends
  • In view of change processes, uncertainties and great complexity, they use projections and scenarios to better understand and control hydraulic systems
  • In order to analyze complex hydraulic systems and optimize decision-making processes, they develop tools such as models, visualization techniques and innovative monitoring concepts

These main topics are dealt with in six thematic-methodological competence fields:

  • Competence area 1: Quality in the water cycle (process understanding: water cycle and water quality)
  • Competence area 2: Water quantity and scarcity in a regional context (sustainable resource management especially in water-scarce catchment areas)
  • Competence area 3: Urban water systems (processes and material dynamics in the urban system)
  • Competence area 4: Methods of data collection and information processing (monitoring, process and data modeling)
  • Competence area 5: Changing society and climate (regional transformation strategies and scenarios)
  • Competence area 6: Water governance (control objectives, obstacles, strategies and instruments)


The center builds on the following programs / activities and works to expand and supplement them:

  • Master's programs: Hydro Science and Engineering, Water Management, Hydrology, Hydrobiology, Waste Management and Contaminated Sites, Geodesy, Geography, Geographic Information Technologies, Spatial Development and Natural Resources, Forestry
  • The HIGRADE graduate school promotes interdisciplinary thinking and research among students, and supports the publication and implementation of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary know-how.
  • The Center for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) is responsible for the implementation of postgraduate courses for managers from developing and emerging countries in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Program , UNESCO , the Ministry of the Environment and the Federal Environment Agency .
  • UNU-FLORES: The Institute for "Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and Resources" was founded in 2012 in Dresden. The close cooperation between TUD, UFZ and UNU provides a link to the activities of the UNU system.
  • Capacity Development (CD): The concept developed as part of the joint IWAS project provides the framework for a CD from the individual to the institutional level to the regulatory system.
  • IWRM E-learning (together with IHP): Open Access systems complement traditional teaching.


The center was founded on October 8, 2013. As an association between university and non-university research and with a focus on inter- and transdisciplinary water research, the CAWR supports the goals of the Water Science Alliance, the platform of the German water research community. The CAWR also contributes to the research of the Helmholtz water network.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. TUD - Department of Water Management - Master Program Hydro Science & Engineering. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .
  3. About - Graduate School HIGRADE. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .
  4. TUD - CIPSEM - Home. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .
  5. UNU-FLORES Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources |. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .
  6. IWRM-education: Integrated Water Resources Management. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .
  7. IHP-HWRP - home page. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .
  8. ^ Water Science Alliance. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .
  9. ^ Helmholtz Water Network. In: Retrieved April 26, 2016 .