Centro Democratico

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Centro Democratico ( CD ; German: "Democratic Center") is a Christian-social and socially liberal small party of the political center in Italy . Since it was founded in 2012, it has been led by Bruno Tabacci . The party's vice- chairmen from 2013 to 2014 were Pino Pisicchio (formerly ApI) and Aniello Formisano (formerly IdV); since 2015 it's Angelo Sanza and Elena Torri .


The party was founded on December 28, 2012. It united essential parts of the party Alleanza per l'Italia (ApI; to which Tabacci had previously belonged) as well as the group Diritti e Libertà ("Rights and Freedom"), a split from the party Italia dei Valori (IdV) under the leadership of the MP Massimo Donadi . The Centro Democratico took part in the 2013 parliamentary elections as part of the center-left alliance Italia led by the Partito Democratico (PD) . Bene Comune , in which it was the most center-tending component. In the primary election for the coalition's top candidate, Tabacci received 1.4%.

In the actual parliamentary elections, the CD got 0.5% of the vote and six seats in the Camera dei deputati (none in the Senate ). Subsequently, the party supported Enrico Letta's “grand coalition” , but without filling government posts . That changed in February 2014: in the Renzi and Gentiloni cabinets , the CD placed Domenico Rossi, a State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense (until June 2018). At the regional level, the party performed best in Basilicata in southern Italy , where it received 5.05% of the vote in the 2013 regional election.

In the 2014 European elections , CD did not come up with its own list, but joined forces with other small parties (including Scelta Civica ) to form Scelta Europea ("European election"), which, however, did not receive a mandate. From November 2014, the members of the Centro Democratico formed a group of factions with Per l'Italia (a Christian Democratic split from Scelta Civica) and, from January 2016, with the resulting Democrazia Solidale party led by Lorenzo Dellai .

For the Italian parliamentary elections in 2018 , the Centro Democratico also competed in association with other small parties (including Radicali Italiani ) as List + Europe under the leadership of Emma Bonino , which represented the liberal component of the center-left alliance led by the PD. This list received 2.5% of the vote, resulting in three MPs and one Senate seat. However, since then, Tabacci has been the only MP with a CD party book. The CD has been supporting the Conte II government from PD and Movimento 5 Stelle since September 2019 . Therefore it separated from + Europe, which remained in the opposition.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. La Stampa: Tabacci: Pisicchio è fuori dal Centro Democratico (Italian)
  2. La scissione di + Europe. In: il Post , October 1, 2019.