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Chaitos ( ancient Greek Χαῖτος Chaítos ) is in Greek mythology one of the 50 sons of Aegyptus , the twin brother of Danaos . His mother came from Arabia and had nine other sons with Aigyptus: Istros , Chalkodon , Agenor , Diokorystes , Alkis , Alkmenor , Hippothoos , Euchenor and Hippolytos .

For the mass wedding of the 50 sons of Aegyptos with the 50 daughters of Danaos, at which lot decided on the pairing, he was assigned Asteria , the daughter of either the Atlanteie or the Phoibe , as wife. Like the other sons of Aegyptus with the exception of Lynkeus , he was killed by his wife on their wedding night. Since the name Chaitos not found in other literary sources and inscriptions shown only once, Ulrike Kenen suggested the name to Xanthos - or less likely: Kanthos - to emend .



  1. Libraries of Apollodor 2,1,5.
  2. Ulrike Kenens: Some Observations on the Catalog of Danaids (Apollod. 2.16-20 and Hyg.Fab. 170). In: Mnemosyne . Series 4, Volume 65, 2012, pp. 726-731, here p. 729 f.