Chananja (Tannait)

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Chananja (also Chanina ) was a Jewish scholar ( Tannait ) in the second century in Babylon. His patronymic is not known.


He was the nephew (brother's son) and pupil of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananja , lived in Babylonia in Nehar Peqod, where he fled after the Bar Kochba uprising .

He built a house of study there and tried to independently intercalate the calendar (which was a privilege of Palestine), which should make the diaspora completely independent of Palestine and almost caused a split in the Judaism of his time.

Envoys of the new synhedrion under Simon ben Gamaliel II succeeded in disciplining Chananja and recognizing the sovereignty of Palestine and in this way preserving unity.


  • Weiss , dor dor ... , 1871 ff.
  • Dubnow , Weltgeschichte ... , 1925 ff. (Vol. III.)
  • Article Chananja , in: Jüdisches Lexikon , Berlin 1927 (Vol. I.)
  • Strack / Stemberger , Introduction to Talmud and Midrash , 7th edition, Beck, Munich 1982

en: Haninah