Charles-Pierre Girault-Duvivier

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Charles-Pierre Girault-Duvivier (born July 13, 1765 in Paris, † March 11, 1832 ibid) was a French grammarian, Romance scholar and compiler.

life and work

Girault-Duvivier was a trained lawyer and a banker after the revolution. As an educator for his children, he became interested in the grammars of the 18th century and put together his own grammar from it, which was published in Paris in 1812 under the title Grammaire des grammaires, ou analyze raisonnée des meilleurs traités sur la grammaire française , and until brought to the 21st edition in 1879.

Other works

  • Traité des participes. Paris 1815.
  • Encyclopédie élémentaire de l'antiquité, ou Origine, progrès, état de perfection des arts et des sciences chez les anciens, d'après les meilleurs écrivains, remarques critiques et littéraires. Paris 1829.


  • Jesse Levitt: The Grammaire des grammaires of Girault-Duvivier. A Study of Nineteenth Century French. Mouton, The Hague 1968 ( Ianua linguarum. Series major 19, ISSN  0075-3114 ), (on this Hans Helmut Christmann in: Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie. 88, 1972, ISSN  0049-8661 , pp. 239-243).
  • Hans Helmut Christmann: The meeting of descriptive and historical language considerations in the Grammaire des Grammaires. In: Romanesque research. 83, 1971, ISSN  0035-8126 , pp. 173-181.
  • André Chervel: … Et il fallut apprendre à écrire à tous les petits Français. Histoire de la grammaire scolaire. Payot, Paris 1977, ISBN 2-228-11950-4 ( Langages et sociétés ).

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