Charles Maupas

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Charles Maupas (* after 1570 in Blois ; † around 1625 ) was a French grammarian.


Not very much is known about Maupas. He came from a family of goldsmiths and silversmiths. He had a brother named Abel, who also became a goldsmith and silversmith. Maupas himself worked as a surgeon. He was married to Sarah Duduict , who, like him, was a Protestant. In addition to two daughters, Maupas had a son, Charles, who followed in his father's footsteps and practiced as a surgeon and made a name for himself in French grammar.

Maupas taught French to foreigners such as George Villiers . According to the title, his writings are aimed primarily at foreigners. His writings are a major work that has always been fundamentally revised and expanded every few years. He died before the third edition was published, which his son then wrote on his behalf.


Maupas unified the apostrophes (for example, si ainsi becomes s'ainsi ), but this could not be established throughout ( mon amie did not become m'amie ). In this context he also systematized the spelling for syncope . He also stipulated that the adverb should principally be used after the noun . To his readers, he briefed the appeal , it should for proper names such as la ville de Paris , the prepositions to use and not as the only Latin urbs Lutetia write. Maupas tackled the problem that adjectives were often used in masculine , even with female subjects . He found a uniform regulation for this ( beau / belle, jumeau / jumelle, felon / felonne, certain / certaine etc.).

Many of the rules he established at the time found their way into the French language and are still valid today. His grammar had a strong influence on that of Antoine Oudin .


  • Grammaire françoise contenant reigles très certaines et adresse très asseurée à la naïve connoissance & pur usage de nostre langue, en faveur des estrangers qui en seront désireux, Blois 1607, 386 pages
  • Grammaire et syntaxe francoise contenant reigles bien exeactes & certaines de la prononciation, orthographe, construction & usage de nostre langue, en faveur des estrangiers qui en sont désireux, par Charles Maupas Bloisien, Orléans 1618, Lyon 1623, Blois 1625, Rouen 1632, 360 Seiten, Geneva 1973, Paris 1973 (English: A French Grammar and Syntaxe , Contayning most Exact and certaine Rules, for the Pronunciation, Orthography, Construction, and Use of the French Language. Written in French, by Ch. Maupas of Bloys. Translated into English, with many Additions and Explications, peculiarly usefull to us English, London 1934)


  • Mercure de France: série modern , Paris, 1933, page 600 ff.
  • Le Courrier de Vaugelas: journal bi-mensuel consacré à la propagation de la langue française , Paris, 1873, page 157 ff.
  • Emil Winkler , La doctrine grammaticale française d'après Maupas et Oudin , Halle as 1912
  • Isolina Sánchez Regueira, Antoine Oudin, gramático francés entre Maupas y Vaugelas, in: Verba 12, 1985, pp. 361-381
  • Nathalie Fournier, Approches de la syntaxe du verbe dans la Grammaire et syntaxe françoise de Charles Maupas (1618), in: Histoire Épistémologie Langage 24, 2002, pp. 33-63

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mercure de France: série moderne , Paris, 1933, digitized , accessed on 19 January 2017
  2. Le Courrier de Vaugelas: journal bi-mensuel consacré à la propagation de la langue française , Paris, 1873, digitized , accessed on January 19, 2017