Charles Nicolas Aubé

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Charles Nicolas Aubé

Charles Nicolas Aubé (born May 6, 1802 in Paris , † October 15, 1869 in Crépy ) was a French doctor and entomologist .


Aubé studied pharmacy in Paris with a diploma in 1824 and was very interested in botany during this time. He then studied medicine with a doctorate in 1829 (with a dissertation on scabies ).

He published a systematic catalog of beetles with Pierre François Marie Auguste Dejean (Spécies général des coléoptères 1825).

In 1826 he married the sister of the literary critic Gustave Planche .

Aubé founded the family of water treaders (Haliplidae, 1836) and first described Haliplus fluviatilis from it .

In 1842 and 1864 he was president of the Société entomologique de France , which he co-founded in 1832 and which received his collection .


  • Pselaphiorum monographia cum synonymia extricata, Paris 1833, Archives


  • Jean Gouillard: Histoire des entomologistes français, 1750–1950. Paris: Boubée 2004

Web links

Commons : Charles Nicolas Aubé  - album with pictures, videos and audio files