Checkpoint Jerusalem

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Checkpoint Jerusalem is a book for young people by Manfred Theisen .


The book “Checkpoint Jerusalem” is about the young Amer, who lives in Palestine , and the Jew Maya from Israel. When one day a girl from the children's home , named Sabreen, has to go to Israel to wash blood through the checkpoint, they suffer an accident. Maya and her family are just there to tow them away. Amer and Maya immediately take a liking to each other and ask curious questions. When Maya's father dropped Amer, Sabreen and the home manager Marie (née Swiss) in Israel, Amer forgets his backpack in Maya's father's car. Maya then generously sends it back with her cell phone number. Sabreen, who knows everything about everything, constantly gets jealous because she was with Amer herself and is still in love with him. Amer always answers their expressions coldly, because he no longer takes a liking to Sabreen. His best friend also lives in the home: Jamal. Jamal's cousin was also a suicide, and Jamal says he'll become one too later. Besides him and Sabreen, Tariq and Haya also live in the home. Amer and Maya keep in touch and call each other often. Soon there will be another encounter. This happens more and more often. Maya and Amer often discuss the war and the suicides . Maya's older brother Izak is also in the army , as is one of Marie's former orphans . However, he is murdered and Marie is therefore deeply saddened. Amer and Maya fall in love and become a couple, against their parents' wishes. Amer is by no means an orphan, although he spends a lot of time in the orphanage, but he does have a mother and a father. Amer's parents know about their son's relationship. Amer's mother takes it calmly, but Amer's father is totally against it. Despite the parents' wishes, Maya and Amer sleep together before separating. Just before Amer and his family emigrate to America, he calls Maya, tells her and asks if she has a new boyfriend. She says yes and Amer is visibly sad. Only now can he understand that the reasons for the separation are foolish. The two admit to each other on the phone that they still love each other, but that there is no chance for their love. So Amer has to say goodbye and move away.