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Under Chemsex , in English commonly known in the United States also Party and Play (PnP) or the United Kingdom High and Horny (HH), the human sexual intercourse under the influence of is synthetic drugs ( "chems") understood. Substances such as GHB / GBL , mephedrone , ketamine and crystal meth are often used . Sometimes poppers are also included. The phenomenon is common in the gay scene around the world.

A study of men who have sex with men in Germany shows that chemsex is often practiced to increase intimacy and sexual pleasure through the feeling of intoxication. Sex often happens without a condom , unprotected or protected with PrEP or therapy as prevention (TasP). Some doctors and practitioners make Chemsex in connection with a higher probability with venereal disease to infect. Rising rates of HIV infection have been linked to gay chemsex parties.

Since 2016, the European Chemsex Forum, a conference dedicated to the subject of Chemsex, has been taking place.


  • Chemsex (2015) by William Fairman and Max Gogarty.
  • BBC News: The rise of 'chemsex' on London's gay scene (2015) by Mobeen Azhar

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The rise of gay 'chemsex' parties involving libido-enhancing drugs
  2. ^ A b Daniel Deimel, Heino Stöver, Susann Hößelbarth, Anna Dichtl, Niels Graf: Drug use and health behavior among German men who have sex with men: Results of a qualitative, multi-center study . In: Harm Reduction Journal . tape 13 , January 1, 2016, ISSN  1477-7517 , p. 36 , doi : 10.1186 / s12954-016-0125-y , PMID 27938393 .
  3. Deimel, Daniel: Topic Chemsex: Drug use in men who have sex with men. Pabst Publishers, April 15, 2017, accessed May 27, 2017 .
  4. ^ Niels Graf, Anna Dichtl, Daniel Deimel, Dirk Sander, Heino Stöver: Chemsex among men who have sex with men in Germany: motives, consequences and the response of the support system . In: Sexual Health . tape 15 , no. 2 , 2018, ISSN  1448-5028 , p. 151 , doi : 10.1071 / SH17142 ( [accessed July 24, 2019]).
  5. 'Chemsex' risks are not restricted just to gay men
  6. Gay men warned on risks of 'chemsex'
  7. Drug experts issue warning over 'chem-sex' parties
  8. Chemsex rise prompts public health warning
  9. The appeal of chem sex and HIV. The latest figures from the Robert Koch Institute
  10. European Chemsex forum. Menrus, accessed July 24, 2019 (UK English).
  11. Addicted to chemsex: 'It's a horror story'
  12. Watch: BBC doc explores chemsex on the London gay scene