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Chemotaxis and chemokinesis

As Chemokinesis is called a reaction from unicellular prokaryotic or eukaryotic organisms or cells to chemicals that a change in swimming and migration behavior cause. Such changes can cause , among other things, an increase or decrease in speed , changes in direction, frequency and amplitude of the movement. Compared to chemotaxis and haptotaxis , chemokinesis has undirected components.

Because of these undirected components, chemokinesis is also examined differently than chemotaxis. One of the most effective methods of measuring chemokinesis is with the help of a computer and the so-called "checker board analysis". This provides data on the migration of identical cells. Another method for protozoa (e.g. Tetrahymena ) is to measure opalescence .


  1. Becker: Stimulated neutrophil locomotion: chemokinesis and chemotaxis. In: Arch Pathol Lab Med , 1977; 101 (10): 509-13. PMID 199132
  2. ^ Wilkinson: How do leucocytes perceive chemical gradients? In: FEMS Microbiol Immunol , 1990; 2 (5-6): 303-11. PMID 2073411 doi : 10.1111 / j.1574-6968.1990.tb03533.x
  3. Leick & Hellung-Larsen: Chemosensory behavior of Tetrahymena. In: Bioessays , 1992; 14 (1): 61-6. PMID 1546982