Cherubino Waesich

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Cherubino Waesich or Wesich (* around 1600, † 1650 in Rome ) was a composer , organist and conductor of the early Baroque, Flemish or Lower Rhine origin.

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Cherubino Waesich can be traced back to Rome from 1631 to 1649. His 1632 published in Rome, dedicated to the Roman nobleman Mario II Conte Sforza (16) “Canzoni a cinque da sonarsi con le Viole da gamba aggiuntovi dui Madrigali a 6 concertati con gli strumenti. Opera Seconda ”, which so far is his only known collection, allows this to be concluded. In 1635 Waesich was organist at the Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere . At Rome's Flemish Church of San Giuliano dei Fiamminghi , where he conducted several festival music around 1640, he worked as a conductor. From 1646 to the end of 1649 he was organist at the German church in Rome, Santa Maria dell'Anima .

The collection of 16 stanzas and the two madrigals "Arod per voi" and "O rubella d'Amore," which appeared in 2003 in a new edition, are evidence of polyphonic Roman viols -Konsortmusik the first half of the 17th century, during the same period and environment such as Girolamo Frescobaldi's canzons were published.

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Individual evidence

  1. MGG , 2nd edition, vol. 17, p. 274