Chidher green

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The literary figure of Chidher Grün is an embodiment of the immortal, unsteady, eternal wanderer. The name Chidher was coined by Friedrich Rückert . Since "Ahasvar, the eternal Jew" is alluded to in the early versions, it makes sense to see a variation on the (anti-Semitic) Ahasver figure in this figure . However, in the aforementioned poem by Rückert there is no talk of anti-Semitic failures, but Chidher is just an "eternally young" wanderer. The real model is the Islamic mythical figure al-Chidr ("the green one"). 1916 has Gustav Meyrink the figure of Chidher his 's occult inserted worldview. For him, Chidher Grün means the union of the male and the female in the kabbalistic tree of life .

Possibly one can also see an allusion to Chidher Grün in "Haroun Childerich Eggeberth", one of the interpretations of the acronym HCE from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake .

Artistic processing

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. The green face. An occult key novel . Knaur, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-426-04-110-3 .
  2. Chidher. Ballad by Fried. Rückert with woodcuts by J. Lebek . Alster Verlag Curt Brauns, Wedel in Holstein 1946.