Chinese Cubans

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Chinese Cubans are a small minority in Cuba .


At the Congress of Vienna on February 8, 1815, representatives of Ferdinand VII of Spain and George III agreed . of England to make the slave trade illegal. In a treaty of September 27, 1817, May 30, 1820 was set as the beginning of this ban and the establishment of Courts of Mixed Commission in Sierra Leone and Comisiones mixtas in Havana , agreed to sanction the ban. Further details were agreed on December 10, 1822 and June 28, 1835.

In 1844, the Real Junta de Fomento de Agricultura y Comercio of Havana commissioned Sinibaldo de Mas to research labor in China. Three years later, Pedro José de Zulueta delivered the first 571 coolies on the Bergantín Oquendo and on the Fragata Duke of Argyle to Cuba. The Spanish colonial government had previously lifted the ban on the immigration of non-Spaniards. On October 30, 1873 the "Colonial Gazette" reported that between June 3, 1847 and June 14, 1873 about 120,333 coolies had reached Cuba and 15,622 of the 135,955 who started the voyage were killed during the crossing.

The number of coolies in Cuba was given as 150,000 in 1902. From 1847 to early 1859, 50,123 people migrated, including 52 women, and the age of the migrants ranged from 18 to 40 years. 90% of them were between 20 and 30 years old and 99% were strong and unmarried. On October 4, 1849, the Cuban colonial administration issued a special law for Asian workers. A decree of December 28, 1859, banning migration to Cuba, was repealed on July 6, 1860. On October 10, 1868, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes also postulated the abolition of slavery in his Cuban declaration of independence.

In 1919 there were 10,300 Asians in Cuba. In 1923 the Cuban government banned the entry of Chinese and reinstated the migration laws of Leonard Wood , who was Cuba's military governor from 1899 to 1902. Four years later, the Alianza Revolucionaria Protectora de Obreros y Campesinos was founded in the Chinese community of Cuba .

In 1931, 24,647 Asians were counted in Cuba and the Alianza de Salvación Nacional was founded in the Chinese quarter , which published the weekly newspaper Defensor de la Patria . At the same time a monument for the chinos "mambieses" was completed, on which was written: No hubo un solo chino traidor; no hubo un solo chino desertor . The memorial was erected on April 12, 1946 during a visit to the Escuadrilla China and a march by Chinese and Cuban soldiers. ( Vedado (Calle L y Línea) )

Well-known Chinese Cubans

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arturo Arnalte Barrera: El tribunal mixto anglo-español de Sierra Leona (1819-1873). (PDF; 16.6 MB) Comisiones resiederá p. 31.
  2. Florentino Rodao García: Españoles en Siam, 1540-1939: una aportación al estudio de la presencia hispania en Asia. 1997, ISBN 84-00-07634-6 , p. 91.
  3. Arif Dirlik (Ed.): What Is in a Rim? Critical Perspectives on the Pacific Region Idea. 1998, ISBN 0-8476-8469-5 , p. 255
  4. Un siglo de España : centenario 1898-1998
  5. ^ Alianza Revolucionaria Protectora de Obreros y Campesinos
  6. Xiong Jiancheng, Cuba from three centuries ( Memento of the original from November 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 224 kB), Sinology, Latin American Institute, Taiwan Tamkang University @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /