Chinstrap Point

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Chinstrap Point
Geographical location
Chinstrap Point (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands)
Chinstrap Point
Coordinates 57 ° 8 ′  S , 26 ° 48 ′  W Coordinates: 57 ° 8 ′  S , 26 ° 48 ′  W
location Vindication Island ( South Sandwich Islands )
Waters South Atlantic
Waters 2 Nelson Channel

The Chinstrap Point is the southeast headland of Vindication Iceland in the archipelago of the South Sandwich Islands . It marks the western limit of the southern entrance to the Nelson Channel .

British Discovery Investigations scientists who surveyed the area in 1930 named the headland Rocky Point . The current name goes back to a recommendation by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee in 1971. Name factor is the chinstrap ( Phygoscelis antarctica , English Chinstrap penguin ) includes the headland to the breeding grounds.

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