Chlosyne gorgone

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Chlosyne gorgone
Chlosyne gorgone

Chlosyne gorgone

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Common Butterfly (Melitaeinae)
Genre : Chlosyne
Type : Chlosyne gorgone
Scientific name
Chlosyne gorgone
( Huebner , 1810)

Chlosyne gorgone is a butterfly ( butterfly ) fromthe noble butterfly family (Nymphalidae).



The wingspan of the moth is 32 to 45 millimeters. The forewing tops are yellow-brown to brown-orange in color and have a pattern of black cube spots and a broad, lightened horizontal stripe in the post-disk region . On the undersides of the hind wings alternating brown-yellow and light-colored bands can be seen, some of which are filled with black dots. In the middle of the underside of the hind wing there is a silver-white band formed from wedge-shaped characters. This distinguishes the moths from other Chlosyne species.

Egg, caterpillar, pupa

The eggs are greenish in color. They are deposited in groups on the underside of the leaves of the food plant.

Young caterpillars are almost monochrome black, adults have an orange or yellow-brown basic color and a broad black back line. On each segment there are black horizontal stripes from which dark, branched thorns extend. The head is glossy black.

The pupa can appear in different shades of brown depending on the area of ​​occurrence and is sometimes provided with very small light or dark speckles. She is trained as a fall doll.

Distribution and occurrence

The main range of the species extends from southwest Canada through the central US states to the north of Texas . The subspecies Chlosyne gorgone carlota ( Reakirt , 1966) occurs in some US states and Canada . The animals prefer to colonize open prairie landscapes .

Way of life

The moths fly in the north and at higher altitudes in one generation from mid-May to the end of July, in the middle of the range in two generations from June to August and in the southern regions in several generations from April to September. They like to suckle on flowers. Young caterpillars are sociable. They feed on the leaves of various composite plants (Compositae), in particular sunflower species ( Helianthus ).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Butterflies and Moths of North America.
  2. Gorgone Checkerspot.
  3. a b James A. Scott: The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1986, ISBN 0-8047-2013-4 , pp. 301/302
  4. caterpillar at bug guide.
  5. caterpillar images .


  • James A. Scott (1986). The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-2013-4 , pp. 301/302

Web links

Commons : Chlosyne gorgone  - collection of images, videos and audio files