Christian Lausch

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Christian Lausch (born December 2, 1969 in Hollabrunn ) is an Austrian politician ( FPÖ ) and a prison guard. Lausch has been a member of the Austrian National Council since 2008 .

education and profession

Lausch attended elementary and secondary school in Hollabrunn for four years and then went to the local business school for one year. He then completed a three-year apprenticeship as a retail salesman in Theresienfeld .

After completing his military service in 1988, Lausch became a prison guard in the Josefstadt prison in 1989. He has the rank of group inspector.


Lausch has been a district party board member of the FPÖ since 1999 and was deputy district party chairman of Hollabrunn between 2003 and 2006. Since 2007 he has been the managing district party chairman. Lausch has also been a member of the Lower Austrian regional party executive since 2003 and was elected chairman of the AUF-Josefstadt electoral group in 2004. Since 2005 he has also been chairman of the service committee in the Vienna-Josefstadt prison.

Lausch has been a councilor for the city of Hollabrunn since 2005 and a member of the National Council since October 28, 2008.


Lausch is divorced and has two children.

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