Christian Pless

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Christian Pleß (born October 31, 1908 , † March 5, 1933 in Offenbach am Main ) was a Reichsbannermann member of the Iron Front in Offenbach am Main. He was murdered by an SA man on the day of the 1933 Reichstag election .

In the 1933 Reichstag elections, National Socialist forces attempted to influence the election in their favor through violent actions. The Reichsbanner Organization tried in turn to curb right-wing violence through its own forces of order for the election campaign. The National Socialist SA used firearms against the Reichsbannerkrafts and abused and murdered the 24-year-old portfolio manager Christian Pleß.

Christian Pleß was the first victim of the National Socialists in Offenbach am Main. In his memory, the former Sedanstraße in Offenbach am Main was renamed Christian-Pleß-Straße after the end of the Second World War . On October 21, 2006, a stumbling block was laid at Kaiserstrasse 1 in memory of Pleß .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stumbling block for Christian Pless. From: , accessed April 30, 2016.
  2. Stumbling block for Christian Pleß in Openstreetmap.