Christian Wey

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Christian Wey (* 1967 ) is a German economist and has been a professor of economics, especially competition and regulatory economics, at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf since 2010 .


Wey initially completed an apprenticeship as a business graduate at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, which he completed in 1995. He then worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Theoretical Economics at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken from 1993 to 1996 and as a fellow at the Department of Economics at the University of Indiana from 1996 to 1997 , where he obtained his Magister Artium in 1997 . In the same year he received a scholarship from the State Graduate Fund of Saarland and received his doctorate in Saarbrücken in 1998. Finally, in 1998 he took up a position as a research fellow at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and completed his habilitation there in 2003. From 2003 to 2010, Wey was head of the Information Society and Competition department at the German Institute for Economic Research and was also given a chair in economics in 2003, especially. Networks and Information and Communication Economics - at the Technical University of Berlin , which he also held until his appointment as Professor of Economics at the University of Düsseldorf in 2010.

Publications (selection)

  • Haucap, Justus; Lange, Mirjam RJ; Wey, Christian: Nemo omnibus placet: excessive regulation and state arbitrariness , Düsseldorf: DICE, 2012, ISBN 978-3-86304-627-9
  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Wey, Christian: The Effects of Remedies on Merger Activity in Oligopoly , Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), 2012, ISBN 978-3-86304-080-2

Individual evidence

  • Christian Wey on the website of the University of Düsseldorf (accessed on August 7, 2013)