Christine Buci-Glucksmann

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Christine Buci-Glucksmann is a French philosopher and professor emeritus from the University of Paris VIII . Her main focus in teaching and research was most recently on aesthetics and contemporary art.

The British state theorist Bob Jessop judges that Buci-Glucksmann provides a detailed reconstruction of it in her work on the state theory by Antonio Gramsci . Just like the Marxist theorists Louis Althusser and Nicos Poulantzas , they critically criticized Gramsci's theories and developed them further. Buci-Glucksmann did important philological work in relation to Gramsci.

Together with the Swedish sociologist Göran Therborn , she also wrote a work on Keynesianism and its effects on the state and society.

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Individual evidence

  1. Bob Jessop : Althusser, Poulantzas, Buci-Glucksmann. Further developments of Gramsci's concept of the integral state, in: Hegemony armored with coercion. Civil society and politics in the understanding of the state by Antonio Gramsci, ed. v. Sonja Buckel and Andreas Fischer-Lescano , Baden-Baden 2007, p. 57.
  2. Bob Jessop: Althusser, Poulantzas, Buci-Glucksmann, p. 43.
  3. Bob Jessop: Althusser, Poulantzas, Buci-Glucksmann, p. 59.