Chthonia (daughter of Phoroneus)

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Chthonia ( Greek  Χθονία ) is in Greek mythology the daughter of Phereneus from Hermione and the sister of Clymenos or the daughter of Colontas from Argos .

Pausanias tells of a story by the inhabitants of Hermione, according to which she and her brother Clymenus built a shrine to the goddess Demeter in Hermione. The residents of Argos, in turn, reported that her father had refused to worship Demeter in Argos, which is why Demeter brought her to Hermione, while her father was killed by fire in his house.

Demeter was worshiped in Hermione as Demeter Chthonia and an annual festival called Chthonia was celebrated in her honor . The temple of Demeter Chthonia was sacked by pirates during the time of Pompey .


Individual evidence

  1. Pausanias 2, 35, 3 ff.
  2. Aelian Varia historia 11, 4.
  3. Plutarch Pompey 24.