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Cifal (pronunciation: Tschifal , composed of the roots for boss and volunteer ) is the highest-ranking representative of the Volapük movement.

Johann Martin Schleyer was the first cifal. Schleyer also had the title Datuval (literally: honorary inventor ). In 1889 he dismissed the International Volapük Academy as a whole ; its members dismissed Schleyer as chairman. At that time there was a split in the Volapük movement.

Some of the supporters followed Schleyer. Before his death he passed the title on to Albert Sleumer . The duties and rights of the Cifal were established by Sleumer in 1934.

The Nazis persecuted the remaining Volapükisten during World War II , but survived v Yiddish. a. among Esperantists who did not let Volapük become extinct. Arie de Jong no longer suggested Volapük as a world auxiliary language, but rather saw it as a cultural asset to be protected.

The Cifal title has been passed on without interruption to this day:

  1. Johann Martin Schleyer 1879–1912
  2. Albert Sleumer 1912-1948
  3. Jakob Sprenger 1948–1950
  4. Johann Schmidt 1950–1977
  5. Johann Krüger 1977–1983
  6. Brian R. Bishop 1984-2014
  7. Hermann Philipps since 2014


  1. Brian Bishop: Volapuko havas Novan Cifal! . In: La Balta Ondo , May 29, 2014 , or printed: Brian Bishop: Volapuko havas novan Cifal! . In: La Ondo de Esperanto , 2014/6.
  2. About the nomination of the German Hermann Philipps.
  3. Interview with the Cifal Volapüka Hermann Philipps , Interlinguistische Informations, No. 93, page 34

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