Ciudadanos por la Innovación

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Ciudadanos por la Innovación (German: Citizens for Innovation, short: CI ) is a party in Equatorial Guinea . The party is the only opposition party represented in the parliament of the authoritarian-led West African state.


Before the elections in Equatorial Guinea, the party was able to register a large number of visitors and organized large rallies, including in Malabo , with thousands of members. In the authoritarian-led state led by Teodoro Obiang since 1979, the CI, as an opposition party, has to fight massive repression. CI chairman Gabriel Nse Obiang was not accepted as a candidate for the 2016 presidential election because he had previously lived in exile in Spain and therefore had not lived in Equatorial Guinea for five consecutive years. He was also excluded from the parliamentary elections on November 12, 2017, as he had been sentenced to six months in prison for insulting the ruling party and was banned from any political activity. Nevertheless, the CI was able to win one of the 100 parliamentary seats, the remaining 99 seats went to the ruling party.

Following an alleged coup attempt on December 27, 2017, which was foiled by government forces, the CI was accused of organizing the coup. As a result, party buildings in Malabo and Bata were stormed by security forces and numerous leading politicians and supporters of the CI were sentenced to long prison terms. On February 28, 2018, the Equatorial Guinea judiciary officially declared the party dissolved. Observers suspected that the coup was faked by the government to justify tougher crackdown on the CI.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deutsche Welle ( Authoritarian government consolidates power in Equatorial Guinea | DW | 11/18/2017. Accessed January 1, 2019 (German).
  2. The new Fischer World Almanac 2019 . 1st edition. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt, p. 41 .