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Civilón was a Spanish fighting bull saved by the sympathy of the public.

Civilón was born as the fifth calf of the cow Civilona in the cattle breeding of Juan Cobaleda Sánchez in Campocerrado near Salamanca and was raised to be used as "Toro" in bullfighting . But soon he showed such a people- related behavior that he was described by Felipe Sassone in Blanco y Negro as "toro sociable". Nevertheless, Civilón was sold to Pedro Balañá for pesetas 30,000 to fight Luis Gómez "El Estudiante" in the Barcelona arena . On June 28, 1936, however, the audience protested violently and banners with the text El Estudiante: tu eres bueno; no mates a Civilón (El Estudiante: You are good; don't kill Civilón). The bullfight was then stopped and Civilón was saved. The next day the press especially celebrated the animal-loving women as the rescuers of the bull. Civilón did not return to his pasture, but was slaughtered and used after the beginning of the civil war .

Prime Minister Santiago Casares Quiroga , who resigned in 1936, was ridiculed as Civilón .

Web links


  • ABC Martes 30 de Junio ​​de 1936, Edicion de Mañana
  • José Maria de Cossío, Los toros. Tratado técnico e histórico , Madrid 1951 (1st edition: 1943), p. 346 f.
  • Lorenz Rollhäuser, Toros, Toreros , Reinbek 1990
  • Karen Duve, Thies Völker, Lexicon of Famous Animals , Munich (Piper) 1999, ISBN 3-492-22684-1 , p. 157 f.
  • Frédéric Saumade, L'élevage de du taureau de combat. You héros au mythe. Essai d'anthropologie comparée , in: L'homme 136, 1995, pp. 35–51; on Civilón especially p. 45 ff.

Individual evidence
