Claude joke

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Claude Witz (born September 20, 1949 in Strasbourg ) is a French law scholar and former university professor.


After graduating from high school, he studied law at the law and economics faculty in his hometown. In June 1971 he acquired his license en droit (mention droit privé) and, after having acquired two diplomas d´Études Supérieures in private and criminal law, worked as an assistant in Strasbourg. In 1979 he also received his doctorate in Strasbourg with a study on the Institut der Treuhand in French law and in 1980 he passed the competition examination for the agrégation in private, criminal and procedural law. He was then appointed professor at the University of Lyon III and at the same time transferred to the chair of French private law at the University of Saarland .

Fonts (selection)

  • La fiducie en droit privé français . Paris 1981, ISBN 2-7178-0304-1 .
  • Les premières applications jurisprudentielles du droit uniforme da la vente internationale. (Convention de Nations Unies du 11 avril 1980) . Paris 1995, ISBN 2-275-00329-0 .
  • as editor with Philippe Cossalter: Soixante ans d'influences juridiques réciproques franco-allemandes. Jubilé des 60 ans du Center juridique franco-allemand, Université de la Sarre . Paris 2016, ISBN 2-36517-064-1 .
  • Le droit allemand . Paris 2018, ISBN 978-2-247-17608-3 .
