Code pénal

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Criminal Code ( fr. ;, Criminal Code ') is more than 200 years the name of the French Penal Code ( dt. Abbr .: fStGB or Criminal Code-F ) and the codification of the criminal law of France . The current code pénal (also nouveau code penal ) occurred on 1 March 1994 into force and then released his still on Napoleon from retreating from the previous year 1810th The law regulates both the criminal offenses and the penalties to be imposed and is part of the Cinq codes .

The penal code of 1810, which was created in the Napoleonic Empire and is called code pénal impérial or code pénal de 1810 in French , was the successor to the code des délits et des peines of 1795, which in turn was the code pénal de 1791 , the first French penal code, had replaced.

The code pénal de 1810 was a highly repressive body of law , the main objective of which can be summarized with the word " intimidation " (French: intimidation ). In the following century efforts were made to alleviate this hardship; these included the introduction of a special criminal law for young people (1945) and the abolition of the death penalty (1981).

All versions in the synopsis are considered the first enlightened and constitutional criminal code in Europe.


The French penal code ( Le nouveau code pénal ) of March 1, 1994:

  • Book 1: General Provisions (Dispositions Générales)
  • Book 2: Crimes and offenses against persons (Crimes et délits contre les personnes)
  • Book 3: Crimes and offenses against property (Crimes et délits contre les biens)
  • 4th book: State crime (Crimes et délits contre la nation, l'État et la paix publique)
  • 5th book: Other crimes and offenses (Autres crimes et délits)
  • Book 6: Administrative Offenses (Contraventions)
  • Book 7: Regulations for DOM-TOM (Dispositions applicables dans les territoires d'outre-mer, en Nouvelle-Calédonie et à Mayotte)

Web links

  • Current full text
  • Translation (as of 1999)
  • Code Pénal de 1810 (French)
  • Theodor Hartleben: Napoleon's embarrassing and police penal code . Translated from the original edition with an introduction and remarks about France's Justice and Police Constitution, the motives for this legislation and its relationship to Austria and Prussia. 1811 ( online in Google book search).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Wieacker : History of private law in the modern era with special consideration of German developments. Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, Göttingen 2nd edition 1967, pp. 322-347 (342).