Codex Cryptoferratensis

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The Codex Cryptoferratensis (No. 393 according to Rahlfs , Siglum Γ) is a palimpsest that was described with liturgical texts and notes in the 13th century. Before that, it contained texts of the biblical small and great prophets from the 8th or 9th century in Greek on at least 130 sheets . Most of these are difficult to reconstruct. The text was described with uncials in two columns with 25 to 28 lines each.

The manuscript is in the monastery of Santa Maria von Grottaferrata near Rome , signature A. g. XV (old Cod. E. β. VII), some sheets in the Vatican Library in Rome, call number 1658.

Text output

  • Giuseppe Cozza-Luzi: Sacrorum bibliorum vetustissima fragmenta graeca et latina ex palimpsestis codicibus bibliothecae Cryptoferratensis. Volume I, Iosephus Spithoever, Rome 1867 ( online ). Volume III, Iosephus Spithoever, Rome 1877.


  • Sidney Jellicoe: The Septuagint and Modern Study. 1977. Reprint, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake (Indiana) 1993, ISBN 0-931464-00-5 , p. 210 ( online ).
  • Henry Barclay Swete, Henry Barclay Swete: An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek. Cambridge 1902. Revised by RR Ottley 1914. p. 146 ( online ).