Codex Udalrici

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The Codex Udalrici is a medieval collection of letters. It contains poems, correspondence, reports and documents. The writings were compiled by the later provost Ulrich von Bamberg and dedicated to Bishop Gebhard von Henneberg in 1125 . In the tradition of the Ars dictandi, the codex served to train notaries . A later version from 1134 is preserved today.

The collection provides information about the structures of church and state in the early Staufer period and is an important source for the background to the investiture dispute . The codex contains, among other things, 15 letters from Henry IV ; however, as no other sources provide clear references to these letters, their authenticity is disputed. It is partly assumed that these are fictions inserted later.


  • Klaus Naß (Ed.): Codex Udalrici (= MGH - The letters of the German Imperial Era 10). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2017. ISBN 978-3-447-10946-8 review

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roger Edward Reynolds et al .: Ritual, text, and law: studies in medieval canon law and liturgy . Church, faith, and culture in the Medieval West, Ashgate Publishing, 2004, p. 294
  2. Heinz Quirin : Introduction to the Study of Medieval History . Franz Steiner Verlag, 1991, p. 55
  3. ^ Peter Classen : Heinrichs IV. Letters in Codex Udalrici ; In: German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages , Volume 20, pp. 115ff