Collectanea Cisterciensia

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Collectanea Cisterciensia is the title of a magazine published by the Cistercian Order of Stricter Observance (OCSO) . It was created in 1934 as the Order's official periodical and is still published quarterly, mainly in French. The founding goals of the periodical are to strengthen the religious identity in the tradition of the Cistercians; Readers should be stimulated to a deeper knowledge of the Order of Cîteaux through articles on spirituality, religious history and liturgy .

Among the important authors who have published work in the journal are: Jean Leclercq (OSB), who was mainly concerned with the monastic cultivation of science, Anselme Dimier (OCSO), who presented numerous important works on the architecture of the Cistercian order and André Louf (OCSO), whose research interests were primarily devoted to the monastic-spiritual life. Also worth mentioning is a co-founder of Collectanea , Camille Hontoir (OCSO), who was the first editor of the periodicals from 1934 to 1954 and who wrote numerous articles for the magazine. Hontoir also wrote nine articles for the renowned Dictionnaire de Spiritualité .

A bulletin on monastic spirituality and its history has been published as part of Collectanea since 1959. The bulletin founded by André Louf is divided into five chronologically staggered main topics from antiquity to the present, which are covered annually by articles.

In 1966, the Cistercian Studies Quarterly was founded in the USA as an English-speaking branch of Collectanea .


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