Commando Libya

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Commando Libya
Studio Robert Pfitzner
platform C64
genre Shoot'em up
Game mode Single player
control joystick
information in Germany until April 27, 2012

Commando Libya (. Full name: Code Word Blizzard: Commando Libya Part I mistakenly often, Commando L y b i a called) is a Robert Pfitzner programmed shoot-'em-up - video game for the C64 in 1986. The Spiel was indexed in Germany since May 26, 1987 (BAnz. No. 40). On April 27, 2012, the BPjM classified it as not harmful to minors.

Despite its low commercial success, the game is still very well known in gaming circles today, mainly because of the extreme violence in the game for the time. In addition to the original C64 version, there are now also versions that can be played in a web browser.


The game principle is similar to the classic Paratrooper or that of Moorhuhn : In Commando Libya, the player "operates" a stationary machine gun, which is located at the bottom of the screen in the middle. Above is a battlefield where enemy soldiers try to get from one end of the screen to the other. The player must shoot these figures, for which he receives points. Occasionally, bombs fall from the top of the screen on the player's position, which must also be shot. If this does not succeed, the game is over. The game also ends if too many soldiers have reached the other side of the battlefield.

The game is divided into different sections, with each new section the running speed of the enemies and the falling speed of the bombs increase, which increases the level of difficulty.

Depiction of violence

In the bonus levels following each phase of the game, the player must shoot a number of defenseless opponents placed against the wall, for which he receives bonus points. The program comments on this scene with an overlaid line of text (e.g. “They're only Lybians” or “That were Ghadaffi's children” ).

If the player reaches a certain number of points, he can enter his name in the highscore list after the end of the game. He does this by writing his initials on the upper body of a prisoner who is then beheaded using a guillotine .

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