Commissura habenularum

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Scheme of a brain section in the median plane .
The commissura habenularum (labeled “habenular commissure” above) can be found roughly in the center of the picture; it lies over the commissura posterior ("posterior commissure").

The commissure habenularum is a cross-compound ( commissure ) in the region of Epithalamus in the diencephalon . The commissura habenularum lies on the III. Cerebral ventricle and connects the nuclei habenulae on both sides with each other, as well as with the epiphysis and the thalamus . It primarily guides information from olfactory areas.


  • Karl-Josef Moll, Michaela Moll: Anatomy: Short textbook for the subject catalog 1 . Issue 18, 2005, Urban & Fischer Verlag, ISBN 9783437417436 , p. 685.