Computer Graphics Metafile

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The CGM format is used in many different branches of industry as the standard format for device-independent, two-dimensional graphic data . It is a vector-based graphic format . It typically contains information about polygons , lines, and text with properties such as color and size .


  • Version 1: (1987)
Standardization by ANSI and ISO as the ISO / IEC 8632-1 standard.
  • Version 2: (1990)
Introduction of segments and reusable groups.
  • Version 3: (1992)
Extension by Polybézier curves and raster graphic elements. Introduction of application profiles .
  • Version 4: (1995)
Extension to application structures , hotspots, hyperlinks etc.

The recent additions have made CGM files increasingly important in web environments. There the WebCGM format z. B. used to display graphics in interactive electronic catalogs and manuals .

See also

Web links