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ConceptBase is a deductive and object-oriented database management system based on Datalog as the query language instead of the usual SQL .

All facts are stored in a uniform data structure, the so-called P-facts. In addition to factual information, rules, integrity conditions and queries can also be defined in order to map the application semantics.

At the moment ConceptBase is mainly used for conceptual modeling, model management and metamodeling.


Based on the knowledge representation language Telos , the development of ConceptBase started in 1987 at the University of Passau in Germany.

In 1988 the first prototype was ready. Two years later, the prototype began to be distributed to academic institutions. Since then, a new version of the system has been released about every two years. ConceptBase has been free software since summer 2009. Binary and source files are provided under a FreeBSD-style license.

The name ConceptBase represents the claim to not only store data, but concepts. The system is currently being further developed at RWTH Aachen University in Germany and at Skövde University in Sweden.


  • All objects in the database are stored in a single data structure which manifests the object identity
  • Objects can be manipulated graphically or textually
  • Both data and classes, metaclasses, metametaclasses, etc. can be displayed
  • Constraints, deductive rules and queries are specified as class attributes and can be changed at any time
  • Query classes combine class properties with the logical specification of class membership

Web links


  • M. Jarke, R. Gallersdörfer, MA Jeusfeld, M. Staudt, S. Eherer, "ConceptBase - a deductive object base for meta data management". Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 4, 2, 1995, pp. 167-192, doi : 10.1007 / BF00961873 .
  • Jeusfeld, MA (2009): Metamodeling and method engineering with ConceptBase. In Jeusfeld, MA, Jarke, M., Mylopoulos, J. (eds): Metamodeling for Method Engineering , pp. 89-168. The MIT Press.